

The video:

Before filming:

-The Model lies face down on the ground or bed.

0 to 6 Seconds:

-The camera (above her at an angle) starts at her lower back and scrolls down for 4 seconds to her feet; stays on her feet for 2 seconds.

6 to 10 seconds:

-The camera shoots a straight shot and not angled shot of her feet, toes should be at the top of the shot. She crosses her left foot over the right for 2 seconds, the camera stays unmoving on her soles for 3 seconds.

10 to ~20 seconds:

-The camera shows a shot of her back, butt towards the bottom and bust at the top. She rolls herself over, exposing her exposed stomach to the camera. The camera films her atomach for 10 seconds (she can take as much time as she needs to roll over).

(Do not show the Model's face on camera. Only show the male's face if he truly looks like a female. If the Model can remove the mask from her mouth so we can hear her laughter more clearly, this is preferred. Ad-lib is fine (from the model). I want the tickling, the Model's laughter and reactions to be as natural as possible.)

After last shot:

-The Model lies face up on the bed, her stomach exposed. The male stands or kneels at either side of the Model (depends on the size of the bed). Position the camera above the Model's thighs, angled at her stomach while leaving her face out of the shot. Equip the Model with T3 (Wireless Microphone) to further capture her voice.

20 seconds to 1 minute:

-The male begins to poke and tickle the Model's side and around her navel, with the intention of making her laugh. After 15 seconds, transition the male to the opposite side of the Model, a max of 10 seconds. Repeat the light poking and tickling of her opposite side until the 1 minute mark.

~ 1 minute to 2 minutes:

-The camera zooms in on Model 2's stomach, keeping her entire stomach in the shot. Position the on top of the Model's thighs, underneath of the camera. Make sure they both feel comfortable, lift the camera if needed. The male grabs T65 (Tickling Feathers) and begins tickling the Model's stomach, trying her best to see where it tickles the most. After 10 seconds, if this does not tickle her much at all, he switches to tickling her stomach with his hands. In this case, do not use the Feather on the Model's stomach anymore. Repeat this until the 2 minute mark.

2 minute to 3 minutes:

-The male puts down the Feather and tickles the Model's stomach by hand for 1 minute. The tickling should be faster and harder, trying her best to make her laugh.

3 minutes to 6 minutes:

-Feather or fingers, whichever produced the hardest/best laughs and reactions from the Model is what the male uses to tickle her stomach. At the 4 minute mark, the male inserts his finger into her navel, and begins to tickle it. If the Model begins to laugh a lot, zoom in on her navel, and the male tickles it until the 7 minute mark. If not, repeat the tickling method from before.

6 minutes to 7 minutes:

-Stop the tickling at this point. If the Model is out of breath or uncomfortable with how much she was tickled, the male gently massages her stomach until the 8 minute mark (the Model's comfort is top priority). If she is feeling good, the male very lightly and playfully tickles her stomach, enough to make her giggle and squirm a little.

If Model 1 is exhausted, please let her rest for the desired time. Tickling can be taxing, and I want both Models as comfortable as possible.

7 minutes to ~7 minutes, 20 seconds:

-The Model repositions herself to where her feet are on the edge of the bed. The camera should position itself directly facing her soles, then shift to the left while focusing on her soles. The male repositions himself on the floor in front of her soles, taking no longer than 20 seconds. Place a pillow for comfort, if necessary.

From this point on, the Model should try her hardest to not move her feet away. If she cannot hold still, reposition the female to where she is lying face down, and reposition the male to where he is sitting on the bed with his legs keeping her legs and feet still. Change the camera to a straight shot of her feet instead.

~7 minutes, 20 seconds to 8 minutes:

-The male begins to play with the Model's toes and soles, aiming to tickle them lightly. After 20 seconds, he switches to tickling with the Feather until the 11 minute mark.

8 minutes to 11 minutes:

-The camera zooms in on the Model's feet. The male grabs the Plastic Fork, and begins to scratch at her feet with the intention to tickle her as much as possible. If she begins to move her feet, the male holds whichever foot he is tickling to prevent it from moving. If the Fork not tickle her much, OR at the 9 minute mark, the male switches to tickling with the Hair Brush, holding her feet if she moves too much. If the Hair Brush does not tickle the Model much, the male switches to tickling with his hands until the 11 minute mark.

11 minutes to 12 minutes, 30 seconds:

-The male tickles the Model's feet with his hands. The tickling should be fast and skillful, aiming to make the Model laugh as hard as she can. He should check how ticklish the Model is on and in between her toes. Repeat until the 12 minute, 30 second mark.

12 minutes, 30 seconds to 14 minutes, 50 seconds:

Whichever of the hand tickling, Hair Brush, or Plastic Fork tickled the Model the most, the male switches to that method. He vigorously and skillfully tickles her feet and toes with said method, trying to make her laugh as hard as possible, until the 14 minute, 50 second mark.

14 minutes, 50 seconds to 15 minutes:

-The tickling stops. Keep the camera on the Model's soles until the 15 minute mark.


