It is very important that the Model has very short Fingernails for this Part! The Model should wear one Fingerless Glove on one Hand. There should be around 20 Balloons – more or less. Some should be very big. Most of them in normal Size, like a Human Head. All Balloons should be a bit squishy, so they should not be inflated too hard with too much Air – but still in normal Size. One big Balloon should be a clear. Balloon, so you can see though it.
The Model should take each Balloon and squeeze it with her Hands. With the first few Balloons she should stretch and poke them with her Fingers and Hands until they pop. The other Balloons she just squeeze them hard and torture them with her Fingers and Hands until they pop.
On some Balloons she should rub her Hands over them, so they squeakl. She should pop every Balloon only by her Hands and Fingers. She also should pop one Balloon with her Bare feet. She just should poke her Feet into the Balloon until it pops. It is very important that she pops every Balloon. At the End she should kneel down to the Big clear Balloon on the Ground or sit down next to that clear Balloon and put her whole Hand and if it is possible her whole Arm into that Balloon until the pressure is too high and it will pop.
Please make sure the
Model is arround 18-20 Years old and that she has very short Nails and
warm/sweaty Hands. She should be very sensual with the Balloons.
Maybe she can moan a bit from time to time when she squeezes the Balloons but please
not too loud just a bit. She also should very slowly rub her Hands and Fingers over the Balloon so they make squeaky sounds, but only very slowly please – like she wants to torture them with her hands. 🙂
Some Balloons should have less air in it, so that they are squishy. Some should have as much air in them like in this video:
or like this***
doesnt have to be exact ^^
Would it also be possible that she wears the following outfits from your
previous videos:
Costume: 14(黒フィットネスウェア) Black Fitness Wear
Boots: 121 (ロングブーツ) Long Boots